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Animated Series 26 x 6.30 min. 2D hand drawn.


These are the stories of Sam. As read by Dad and interrupted by his daughter. These adventures take strange turns, but always come back to the beginning: the story of Sam’s hats ’n caps (and helmets). Sam collects hats, caps and helmets from around the globe. People send them by mail. And when he puts them on, together with his friends “Toby” and “Frog”, he has a great adventure inspired by the hat, cap or helmet.


Idea & Direction : Patrick Raats.

Series format : Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken & Patrick Raats.

Original Design : Paco Vink.

Scripts : Arnoud Rijken, Michiel Snijders & Patrick Raats.

Voice Over : Kasper van Kooten & Suze Rijken.

Production : Arnoud Rijken & Michiel Snijders.

Production Assistant : Tamara Janke.

Compositing : Ralf Hekkenberg.

Foley & Soundmix : Jeroen Nadorp.

Score : Alex Debicki.

Leader Song, Composition & Vocals: Kasper van Kooten.

Broadcaster : KRO-NCRV


Animation: Studio Pettenpret@il Luster: Hanneke van der Linden, Erik Butter, Digna van der Put, Elian van der Heijden, Renske Cuijpers & Vivianne du Bois.

Clean Up & Coloring: Iris Adriaansz & Tamara Janke.

Backgrounds: Yngwie Boley, Janis Joy Epping, Diana van Houten, Renske Cuijpers & Erik Butter.

Making Off



+31 (0)6 300 337 31
