In the Teeth of Time
Animated Short, 7 min. (In production).
During a stormy night, our known reality becomes entangled with another dimension. Two different timelines collide and create a fatal ending…
This filmplan was rejected by the Dutch FilmFund in 2010. After the plan was rejected Patrick didn’t work on the project for a few years. The reason was that he felt disappointed that people didn’t had the believe that he could make this plan into a great film…
After a few years he opened the file again and decided to make it on his own. Well, not really on his own, but with help of very talented colleagues, who believe in making great stuff without funding…:)
But great news in the end of 2024: The Dutch Filmfund decided to support the final making of this short, after seeing the first results of how the enthusiastic team brought the filmplan alive by making some sets and puppets…..Let’s Rock!!!
Idea & Director : Patrick Raats
Scenario : Michiel Snijders & Patrick Raats
Produced by : il Luster Films
Studio : 5AM Studio
Below some character designs and artwork that was made for this animated Short called “In The Teeth of Time”.
Making Off